So, it's not really voodoo, but I have been sticking needles into a "graven image" in hopes of practicing some sympathetic magic. Of course, I'm referring not to The Golden Bough theories of magic, but rather I mean I hope to gain the trust and sympathy of my spouse - even if by some magical means. We are both a bit nervous about the upcoming need for me to deliver the progesterone shots after the oocyte retrieval.
Kristina has been very patient and watched carefully as I pretended the practice orange was her hind-side. And no, I didn't make any groping like gestures; it wouldn't be funny in the moment, but it sure is now that I'm writing this post. The nurse's comment they would draw circles on her as targets so I know where to put the needle is both comforting and another good source of humor...but probably only to me.

So, with that additional practice and the news all is moving forward as scheduled after yesterday's "Suppression Check," we are roughly eleven days away from starting the shots. This of course means we are only two-and-a-half weeks from implantation date. Things are moving fast, and the both of us are very excited...a little scared too...but very excited.
I have encouraged him to administer a couple of my Lupron shots just so he can get a feel for how it feels on my skin. He'll get comfortable with that and he and I will have less anxiety about the Progesterone shots. He was actually far more gentle while practicing than I what I initially thought my big, clumsy oaf would be ;-) *said lovingly, of course*
ReplyDeleteI wish there was a "like" button on blogs! So here is my "like", i read it and you both know you have my prayers and hopes and i am just ... i just think you are very special people who i am blessed to know. Looking forward to keeping up with your journey!