This is our journal as we go through the 49 days (step-by-step) from decision to in-vitro fertilization. Scheduling, details, feelings, thoughts; all are recorded here. It is an amazing process, and we felt it vital to chronicle it.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The 23 Enigma

Last week I mentioned stress coming down on us at this phase of the pregnancy. Many wished for us to have some relief. Well, it didn't come immediately as we were in the hospital last Saturday to treat the second kidney stone Kristina had developed.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


It has been a stressful week. We had our one-year old SUV break down over the weekend and had to be with loaners for five days. Granted a loaner vehicle is better than no vehicle, but it did throw a curve in our routine. More details would be just complaining...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013


We have reached the twentieth week of Kristina's pregnancy. I have too many thoughts, as well as too many distractions, to properly express what is going through my brain about the boys' development. We have classes we are taking to help us prepart. There are doctors visits o'plenty. And let's not forget nursery plans to complete.