Last night, Kristina started her Lupron shots. She was rather sneaky about it, quieting disappearing after dinner to self-administer the shot. No screaming and resounding thud from fainting to the floor. Although I didn’t witness it, I’m sure she handled poking herself with a needle better than I would have.
A quick aside: For those unfamiliar, Lupron is the common term for leuprolide, which is a man-made form of a hormone that overstimulates the body's own production of certain hormones – estrogen in her case, and therefore, causes the natural production to shut down temporarily. The shot uses a short needle and it is delivered subcutaneously into the stomach area, similar to a diabetic insulin shot.
What this means is we are really into the thick of the plan – on Step 22 of 49 actually. One interesting twist we forgot to ask about is all the extra needles we now have. We didn’t purchase a puncture-proof box or anything; so we have to ask the clinic how to properly dispose of them since I’m pretty sure we can’t toss them in the trash…or dump them on a beach even. Perhaps we could finance the IVF by selling the used needles to drug addicts. Ok, don’t freak out; I’m just kidding.
But, on a serious note, this is the “turning point” in my mind of really going through with this. Up to this point, the process has been little more than getting on the pill and me being moody from her chemically altered hormone levels. Now – we are really starting to alter the medical process to prepare to make a baby. Granted that child will be made in a petri dish, but because of this latest step, the reality of it all has become a bit more sincere.
I love your comment "... me being moody from her chemically altered hormone levels." It really has been weird, hasn't it? :-)