This is our journal as we go through the 49 days (step-by-step) from decision to in-vitro fertilization. Scheduling, details, feelings, thoughts; all are recorded here. It is an amazing process, and we felt it vital to chronicle it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

About Comments...

We removed the CAPTCHA requirement to leave a comment. I do find Google's anti-spam images extremely difficult for this human to read. This is an annoying (but sometimes necessary) feature; however, we think that by just moderating comments, it should be safe and make it easier to leave a comment.
Anyway, we are going to try to leave the settings such that CAPTCHA is not required. Of course, by using moderation, your comments will not be immediately displayed at the time you make them. But with our relatively low readership, it should not be difficult for us to keep up with them and to approve the unposted quickly.
With this new change, should you still have a problem leaving a comment, please send us an email at; we really do want all the feedback about our journey as we can get.


  1. Hurray! Hey this reminds me of the time i was in a car wreck, and the city finally put up a 4-way stop sign. But that made more sense in my head. :) #needsleep! I think moderating comments is a good idea.

  2. Agreed. I tried to comment on the previous blog (the surgeon's name is Hatchett) but gave up after the captcha stopped me for the fourth time.

  3. Ah, "Hatchett" - well, that would not be a comforting name to go along with the urology trade! ;-)

    Again, no disrespect intended to a fine physician, but still...

  4. Can anybody really get those CAPTCHA things on the first try? I consider it a lucky day, and that I should go buy a lottery ticket, if I do! ; )

    1. I know! I just wanted to say "I liked your blog" about "Nothing" yesterday and had refreshed those images 20 to 30 times before I could even read the thing. Sometimes it seems like I need a technological solution to read the, never mind. ;-)
